
5 October 2023

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Tara’s Dance out at the end of the month

Written by on 5 October 2023

  Tara’s Dance out on the 24th of October 2023. I’m proud to announce that Tara’s Dance  will be available online from the end of the month as digital single for download. Its has been a while since I have released anything, so it feels good to get. he energy moving again. Even though I […]

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7 December 2016

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Soultrade Lounge Vol 2 Out Now

Written by on 7 December 2016

Dear Friends, We’re excited to announce that, our latest compilation Soultrade Lounge Vol 2 is finally available in all the usual stores and streaming services. Once more we strive to present a wide variety of independent artist from around the world. Like we mentioned in the previous post, this compilation presents track from Wasis Diop, […]

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17 November 2016

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Soul trade Lounge Volume 2 coming soon

Written by on 17 November 2016

Dear Friends, Once again we’re back with news of another exciting compilation, Soultrade Lounge Volume 2.  Like its predecesor, Soultrade Lounge, this compilation is a discovery of independent creations from around the world.  This compilation includes tracks from Wasis Diop, Damiandebass, Kristina Supergenius, Maria Blue, Hawkword, Pay Kusten, Dasya, Fobie, Yuho, The Hybridiser, Alvaro Vela, Oneiromancy,Stiller, […]

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